
During the 11 years that I have been running Freshwater Tax (7 of which I have been doing while juggling little ones); I’ve often hit periods in which I am running multiple projects at once- all while juggling tax work, family, clients and managing the priorities of our team.


At the moment, I’m working on:

  • A website rebrand
  • A custom software to help business owners quickly calculate their various tax & super liabilities
  • A complete new library of handy resources including templates, spreadsheets, calculators and contracts

This is all while ensuring that we all stay on top of our workflow; delivering tax and bookkeeping services to our wonderful clients with our signature A grade service 😊

I definitely find that when I have lots on my plate, self-care is the first thing to go, and eventually general household responsibilities tend to slip away from me as well.

Through these experiences, I’ve gathered some valuable lessons to help navigate the intricate dance of running a busy small business while preserving family time.


(1) Outsourcing Everything Non-Essential

Even when it seems cost-prohibitive, I’ve made it a practice to outsource tasks that don’t demand my direct involvement. Within the business, we’ve enlisted help for our website, design, digital marketing, and administration (big thanks to Martin, Blazenka, Anna, and Kate). In addition, I’m eternally grateful to our dedicated and exceptional team of accountants and bookkeepers. On the home front, I’m not ashamed to admit that I have a cleaner and housekeeper, both of whom I rely on heavily!


(2) Build an Exceptional Team

Trustworthy and loyal team members are invaluable. Outsourcing non-core tasks to under-performers can be counterproductive. Heed your instincts, recognise red flags, and always ensure contracts are in place (even if you’re working with close friends).


(3) Prioritise Self-Care

A well-rested, healthy you is more productive in both business and family life. At a minimum, during particularly hectic times, prioritise sleep, maintain a healthy diet, and take short daily walks. These simple actions make a significant difference overall, trust me!


(4) Practice Patience

I am not great at this. If you’re an “all-or-nothing” person like me, it’s really easy to let everything fall over around the goal you are trying to achieve. DON’T! Remember to stop and get perspective. Missing out on time with your kids / friends / family, feeling unhealthy, losing your fitness, just aren’t worth sacrificing in order to reach your desired goal faster. Know you will get there and take your time about reaching your goals methodically.


(5) Embrace Technology

This is a big one. Set aside time each week / month to think about ways you can automate and do things better. Within our business, I am always looking for user-friendly ways to streamline time, that ultimately make our job (and your life): easier. It’s actually really satisfying in itself, when you devise a new and clever way to tackle a project or task quickly and seamlessly.


(6) Allocate Quality Time

Irrespective of your schedule, it’s essential to create dedicated periods for your kids, health, family, and friends, no matter what. Disconnect from screens, offering moments to connect with loved ones. This practice provides invaluable perspective on what truly matters in your life and what you’re doing all this for!


(7) Schedule your day

Time blocking, planning my time in advance and batching similar tasks together are further ways that I cope with a hectic busy schedule with minimal overwhelm. Some days this is easier than others!


Make your journey a learning curve and an inspiration to others! Remember, balance is the key to long-term success and happiness.

Thinking of outsourcing your business bookkeeping? Grab our Virtual CFO brochure and find out how easy and affordable it can be to let go of all your accounting, bookkeeping and tax admin!


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