Prepare Business Tax Return NOW

Our Company, Trust and Partnership Tax Return Procedure

In order for our team to prepare your company, trust or partnership tax return and/or financial statements we first need some information from you. This information includes: your business name and relevant contact details, information on your business income and expenses; as well as your signed authority approving us to assist on your income tax affairs. We like to capture as much information as possible from you about your business at the outset in order that we have the full picture of your situation.

Business setups
We now offer THREE ways to send us your tax return requests...

1. Via your very own secure Freshwater Portal account, where you can also: chat with your accountant, access chat history grouped by topic, retrieve previous tax and BAS returns, securely send and store documents and even settle your invoice with our team. We separate personal accounts from company, trust and partnership accounts to make things clearer for you.

2. Via our website from your secure user account where you can also view and download handy tax resources. (Note – in order to maintain the tightest possible security, we do not facilitate a “save and continue later feature” under this method.

3. Download, complete and submit our simple-to-use editable PDF form.

A note on Financial Statements
In the majority of cases, it is impossible to accurately finalise annual tax affairs without these being prepared for companies, trusts and partnerships. At Freshwater, we strive for best practice and, as such we will rarely allow an entity tax return to be prepared without accompanying financial statements. 

We are here to make your life easier. Please feel free to make use of our handy app, to securely upload and store your receipts ready for tax time. When we draft up your tax return, we will be looking at your summaries and totals only, so, unless specifically requested by a member of our team; there’s really no need to attach piles of receipts to your tax request (which we understand will take you time and ultimately stress you out). Regardless of whether you decide to use our portal to store your evidence, the main thing is that you must have all your receipts on hand in the event of an ATO audit. This responsibility lies with you as the taxpayer.

Do the GST laws apply to me?
When we organise your tax affairs, we review your situation in depth. We will therefore advise if we think you need to be registered and why. If a registration is required, we will work with you to select the correct date of registration and ensure that your situation is completely sorted.
Next Steps
When we receive your company, trust, or partnership submission we will set up your annual tax file and organise all reports ready for your tax affairs. We require a 50% up front deposit on all company, trust and partnership tax tasks. We aim to take no longer than 7-14 days to finalise your entity tax return with financial statements. Our team are very hands-on and we will therefore be in touch with you throughout this process. 
Once completed, your income tax return and financial statements will be emailed to you for your review and digital signature. Provided that you are happy with the information you are sent, you can then digitally approve your tax work for lodgement. We would at this point lodge the return with the ATO. If we have any queries during this process, we give you a call to discuss / or email a list of questions. 
Will you prepare my personal return as well?

We strongly recommend that we prepare your personal tax return along with your company, trust, or partnership return. The purpose of this is to ensure that your tax position overall is maximised and that your situation as a whole is accounted for properly. View this link to proceed with your personal tax return request.

Contact Us

Important Note: During our peak season from July to October, we prioritise maintaining our signature high-quality service. As a result, we may not always be able to take on new clients, however we’re happy to add you to our waitlist.

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